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12 September 2010

Last Camp Finished. Now Vacation!

I have become a statistic!

What I mean is that I am officially an unemployed Miami University Graduate with no job.  Normally I would be extremely worried about what the hell I will be doing next but I am really at peace.  All I am worried about is how to get back to Italy as soon as possible.

My last camp of the summer 2010 was in Villa Santa, Italy.  I worked with some really great people from Scotland, England, and New Zealand.  The past two weeks were full of laughter and moments I will never forget (particularly with one adorable little boy who is in love with Killer Whales).  The truth of this job is that when the people you work with are good, everything is at least 100 times better at camps.  Unfortunately now I will have a hard time acclimating to my new non tutor lifestyle.  Who am I going to call a faggot and pick on 24/7? Just ain't the same without the amazing people I have met throughout this experience.

But some things to look forward too are for sure the amazing time I am currently having in Chiari, Italy.  Last night I was lucky enough to see some of my students from the first city I worked in.  They just walked up to me with their huge smiles and gave me a lovely "ciao" and ran off to the safety of Mama and Papa.  There was a very big festival last night in Chiari.  It is their version of the Pailo, but without horses.  The city is designed in the shape of a circle and Chiari was divided into four quarters.  My host family lived with the Zeneto area (aka the yellow team). Before the race I had a fun dinner with all of the relatives in the grandparents shop that they cannot seem to sell.  Everyone walking past were talking about us and I have to admit is was a confidence booster because I felt so welcome with this family I had stayed with 3 months before.  The spectacular in the center was a huge debbie downer but still some parts were sort of exciting.  The race was a thrill and a friend of mine has his brother running for the Green team!  In the end the Green team won the Pailo and right then the celebrations started.  Italians are known not to drink heavily but last night I saw many an italian stumbling around drunk at 11:30pm.  All I can say is, WAY TO GO! hahaha.

As for right now I am going to relax with one of my favorite families in Italy and enjoy having wireless internet for the second time in about 15 weeks!

Peace, Love and Laughter


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