Many college graduates enjoy a 6 month vacation after graduation until the bills begin to pour in. My life is currently consisting of figuring out where in the world I am headed next (and working part time jobs during this) and paying off my college debt.
The United States seems to be such a developed country in many aspects but when it comes to higher education, we are very much lacking in how to allow students to finance it without ending up with years of debt that must be paid off. I am very proud to be an American and I am thankful for everything my education offered me; however, there was never a class offered on how to stay out of debt, or how to decrease your loans when you're in college, or how to save effectively.
I am in the beginning process of figuring out what I want to do with my life, but I cannot just look in the newspaper and put my name on a few websites. It is all about connections, and if you do not have many it takes a go get em attitude. From applying to various positions at a local mall nearby I noticed during the group interviews that the questions were very valid...especially one being "What do you plan to bring to our business?" This can be seen as a very vague question but I believe it has a much stronger meaning behind it. Every public corporation and private business is looking for people to benefit their future.
Now I have to find which one fits what I want as well. Why work at a place that makes you miserable? Yes it may have a very nice salary and benefits offered but if you're unhappy it will effect your performance and overall your value with the company. So I say go for your dreams because a pile of papers is a pile of papers and as long as you're responsible and smart you can get through it. So I am telling the infinite void of people online that you shouldn't give up, ever! I'm not planning on it. Here I come world!
Peace, Love and Laughter,
This blog is for the people in my life who care to know where I am in my never ending quest of discovery. My life is structured around living life to live it, not to just wade it out. I am about adventure and taking risks. NO REGRETS!
19 October 2010
06 October 2010
The Simple Things in Life
A friend reminded me today about some things I use everyday here in the States and rarely ever found available in Europe.
ICE! Drinks do not come standard with ice on a regular basis in Europe. It would of course come with a tasty cocktail but if you order a water or coke, expect a cold bottle and an empty glass.
INTERNET! Say goodbye to regular internet service if you plan to go abroad. Since being back in the USA I have relied on internet for directions, job searching, email, this, and many more things. While I studied abroad, traveled, and worked in Europe this was not an easy or cheap thing to come by. As refreshing as it is not to get emails or facebook on my phone or pick up a wireless connection wherever I went in Europe, I do have to say have awhile I really began to miss it. In this world we live in staying connected is now done through applications such as Skype, Ichat, Facebook, OOvoo, etc. If the technology is available why not use it?
24 HOUR STORES! The easy of being able to go to a store for a last minute necessity is such a wonderful part of living in the USA. However stores, in particular Italian stores, decide to close when they please. You can make all the arguments to the store owner that his or her sign out front says they close or open at the given time, but hey after all they do as they please. Oh how I missed simple drug stores, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, etc, but if you are deathly ill and need a medication to get some relief, well you have to wait until the Farmacia opens at 10am.
Now vise versa. My parents and I had an interesting debate on the high speed trains I rode frequently in Europe compared to the loud, slow, uncomfortable trains the USA is lucky enough to have. For the "highly developed country" we claim to be, why in the world is the average train speed in the USA 63 miles per hour??? The high speed trains I was lucky enough to travel with in Italy went on average 225 miles per hour. Thank you Ferraciarossa for getting me there faster and on time always. It is a major plus to be able to plug in my computer with a table and recline my seat and zone out to the soundless beauty of these trains. Cmon USA let's get with the program here!
Oh how things you think make life so much easier here actually are sometimes unnecessary, but the ability to have them is definitely appealing.
Peace, Love and Laughter,
ICE! Drinks do not come standard with ice on a regular basis in Europe. It would of course come with a tasty cocktail but if you order a water or coke, expect a cold bottle and an empty glass.
INTERNET! Say goodbye to regular internet service if you plan to go abroad. Since being back in the USA I have relied on internet for directions, job searching, email, this, and many more things. While I studied abroad, traveled, and worked in Europe this was not an easy or cheap thing to come by. As refreshing as it is not to get emails or facebook on my phone or pick up a wireless connection wherever I went in Europe, I do have to say have awhile I really began to miss it. In this world we live in staying connected is now done through applications such as Skype, Ichat, Facebook, OOvoo, etc. If the technology is available why not use it?
Oh how things you think make life so much easier here actually are sometimes unnecessary, but the ability to have them is definitely appealing.
Peace, Love and Laughter,
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